07 outubro 2010


Recorte de Ilustração Portugueza sobre la actriz Aldina de Sousa: "La prensa saludó con entusiasmo la aparición en la escena de la opereta de una nueva actriz y cantante, Aldina de Sousa, que en su debut tuvo un papel importante en la obra Duqueza do Bal-Tabarin, en el teatro S. Luís. Asistimos a la función y podemos afirmar que la crítica no exageraba: el teatro portugués cuenta desde hoy con una señora que en breve destacará en la declamación y que ya destaca poderosamente con su canto. Sus dotes nada tienen que envidiar a los vocalistas clásicos".

Clipping from Ilustração Portugueza about the actress Aldina de Sousa: "Critics welcomed enthusiastically the first stage appearance of the new singing actress Aldina de Sousa, who in her opening night played an important role in the play Duqueza do Bal-Tabarin, staged at the S. Luís Theater. We were there for her debut, and we can ascertain that critics were not exaggerating: the Portuguese stage is now graced with an actress that will soon distinguish herself for her ability for elocution and that is already well-known for her singing, which could be compared with that of the great classical vocalists."

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